Acidity and Alkalinity
The pH, or acidity level, of soil plays a significant role in how well plants grow.
Azaleas only grow well on acidic soils while acanthus prefer alkaline conditions.
It is important to establish the pH (acidity or alkalinity) of your soil prior to planting.
Product solution: 3 in1 Soil Moisture Sunlight PH Digital Tester.
Prepare and Loosen the Soil
The soil should be loose so that the roots grown and penetrate beyond the topsoil.
Loosen the topsoil by tilling making it easier to plant.
Plants will have difficulty growing when they still have to penetrate through compacted ground
Improve the Soil Prior to Planting
Add organic matter plus either sand or pea gravel and mix into the top 6-8 inches of soil.
If using unfinished organic matter, like leaves or undecomposed manure, add it to soil at least one month before planting.
Plant in Warm Soil BUT Avoid Direct Sun.
Many plants do not tolerate the cold. Planting should be started when the environment is warm.
Check the ground temperature before planting.
Do not plant under the scorching heat of the sun.
Seedlings are delicate and could die before even beginning to grow.
Plant on a cloudy day or under a slight drizzle or during the evening.
Give thought to the geographic location.
Plant from a garden design compatible with the location.
Do a budget to fully understand funds required.
The on-going cost of water, fertilizer, and pesticides must be taken into account.
Unforeseen Circumstances Will Arise.
Before starting make sure the funds to sustain the project are part of the equation.
For open fields growing, recommend to use Drip Irrigation System 500 SQM with Water Butt.
Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium – these three nutrients are the basic nutrients that all plants need.
While organic material does provide these nutrients, you may have to adjust them individually depending on your individual soil.
This can be done with chemical fertilizers or organically.
To add nitrogen (N) use a chemical fertilizer or an organic amendment.
To add phosphorus use either a chemical fertilizer with a high second number 10-20-10 or 14-20-14 Slow Release or an organic amendment or rock phosphate.
To add potassium use a chemical fertilizer that has a high last number 2-2-10 or an organic amendment like Greensand.
Product solution: Water Driven Automatic Fertilizer Injector.
Compost is Free Fertilzer.
This rich organic stuff is called "black gold" with good reason. No matter where you garden or what you grow, adding compost improves soil.
You can make your own compost with Compost bins and compost aerator mixing tools.
Soil pH for Vegetables
In general the soil in a vegetable garden should fall somewhere be 6 and 7.
Vegetable gardens testing significantly above level will require amendments to lower the pH.
Acidifying fertilizers can also be used to help raise acidity levels.
Apply fertilizer containing ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate like Earthworks 8-2-2 or Earthworks 5-4-5.
In some instances, applying elemental sulfur is effective.
Beware sulfur is slow acting, taking several months.
Granular sulfur is deemed safe and cost effective for smaller garden areas.
If the soil tests significantly lower than 6 the pH level will have to be raised by using a calcitic lime.
Water is the most important thing for your garden and it required for proper cell structure, stability and growth.
Too little water will drastically reduce productivity and could kill the plant if withheld for prolonged periods.
Too much water is equally damaging and could result in leaf diseases or root rot.
Too wet an area attracts snails and slugs as well as causing needed nutrients leach out of the soil.
Irregular watering can stress your plants leading to low productivity or bolting.
In dry regions and areas prone to drought, water conservation is crucial.
Many communities restrict water use for lawns and gardens. Saving water pays — you'll see a difference in your water bill. Water-saving strategies include using a Rain barrel, mulching, and watering the garden using Drip irrigation and Soaker hose drip kit.
And more product solutions: Water Timer controlled watering kit, Watering Cans / Sprayers, Sprinklers, Spray Nozzles.
Recommended to save rain water and / or establish a drip irrigation system with Collapsible Rain Water Barrel.
When to Water Garden
The best time to water your garden is in the early morning hours to provide the soil and roots time to absorb the water fully before the heavy afternoon evaporative processes begin.
Watering in the evening can lead to mildews, rusts and other diseases as the water sits over night on your plants.
How much water does the garden require?
Rule of Thumb - water thoroughly and deeply. A shallow watering drives the roots up instead of down resulting in a shallow root system leaves.
Tip – Quality soil is an important consideration to the watering program.
Veggies grown in sandy soil the water will run out of the soil profile leaving the plants wanting water.
If growing in water-retaining clay the soil may become water logged causing other sorts of growth issues. Get that soil healthy with a generous amount of organic matter and mulch it thickly to conserve water in the garden.
There are good insects that actually benefit the plants like the bees and butterflies.
There are bad insects that need to be controlled.
These insects are usually unique to the area so a range of control products should be available to ward off the pest.
Use products such as Garden Snails Slugs Insects Control Traps.
Dogs love to dig and they could do so in your newly planted garden.
Cats could use your vegetable garden as a litter box.
Rats gnaw their way to the roots of your plants and destroy them.
If you live in a farm your plants will also be at risk from chickens pecking on the leaves and cows eating the whole plant.
The best method to protect the garden from animal pests is with Fences / Decorative animal shape rellers designed keep them out of the planted area.
Or just use Automatic Jet Spray Repeller sprinkler.
More creative Creative Planter Tools Nursery Accessories that you haven't seen before!
Get to know the types of plants. Then learn how specific plants typically behave and what they can add to your garden. For instance, trees and shrubs form the foundation of a garden. Choose plants for disease and pest resistance, extreme-weather tolerance, and other desirable traits. Familiarize yourself with these general plant types:
Annuals: Flowering or foliage-only plants live colorfully for a single growing season.
Perennials: These mainstays fill beds with shape, colors, textures, and fragrances year after year.
Bulbs: Plant cold-hardy bulbs in the fall for spring blooms in most regions.
Climbers or Vines: Annual or perennial, these versatile plants cover vertical space with foliage and flowers.
Shrubs: Flowering or evergreen shrubs work as accents or hedges and for seasonal interest.
Trees: With large-scale form and beauty, trees add long-lived shade and shelter. Recommend to use Slow Release Tree Watering Bag.
Turfgrass: Good lawns include a blend of grass types that suit the climate and light conditions.
Planting and maintaining a garden is a wonderful hobby and a way to relieve stress, to relax and get back in touch with nature.
Gardening is a wonderful family activity and lets parents spend some quality time with their kids while teaching them about nature and how to be ecologically responsible.
As the plant comes to maturity, the gardener will be rewarded with a healthy harvest equivalent to the amount of effort put into your garden.
The basic human need of to be engaged with growing things creates a sense of excitement. As well as a source of therapy for people with emotional challenges.
Growing a garden teaches discipline, responsibility and patience.
Gardening gives you a sense of accomplishment and independence, as well as a closer relationship with nature.
Gardening is a source of exercise, fresh air and helps take the gardener away from every day stresses of life.
Having your own garden and taking care of your own garden lets you focus on something you enjoy.
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