If you meet this criteria, it may be your opportunity to join HUNTOP as a Commission Agent for long term partnership. Huntop products have been approved and available in leading retailers.

Together, Huntop and our worldwide Partner Network offer the most comprehensive gardening and watering solutions in the market. Commercial customers including retailers, OEM importers and distributors are our main customer base.
Besides, we continually provide partner opportunities through Commission Agents.
Contact email adress: info[at]htcn.com
If you meet this criteria, it may be your opportunity to join HUNTOP as a Commission Agent for long term partnership. Huntop products have been approved and available in leading retailers.
Top Trusted China Manufacturer
& Exporter, Professional Supplier.
Panhuoqiao, Panhuo, Yinzhou,
Ningbo, China
Zip: 315100
Tel: 86-574-8303-5236
Fax: 86-574-8303-5636
E-mail: info[at]htcn.com
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