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Collapsible Rain Barrel Guide - From China Water Barrels Manufacturer



• Choose a downspout on your house or garage that is close to the plants and garden you water most. Your other downspouts can be disconnected and directed into your yard.

• Choose a downspout where your rain barrel’s overflow will soak into your own yard, and not your neighbors’ property.

• Place your flexible rain barrel on a pervious (e.g. landscaped) surface that allows overflow from your rain barrel to soak into the ground. If placed on an impervious (e.g. paved) surface, rain barrel water overflow during heavy rains could pool or seep into your house or garage foundation. Make sure overflow does not go onto your neighbors’ property.

• You may want to place the flexible rain barrel on concrete blocks if you are going to use a hose to direct water to your garden (gravity will help move the water), or if you want to fill up a watering can from the spigot (so the can fits underneath the spigot).



• Use the water collected in your collapsible rain barrel!

• Water your flowers, trees, shrubs, and lawn.

• Wash your car or pets. Rinse hands and feet, tools, or muddy boots.

• Keep your rain barrel lid on tight at all times to prevent children and animals from entering or falling in.

• DO NOT DRINK WATER from your rain barrel.



• Keep your collapsible rain barrel spigot closed when you are not using the water so that the collapsible rain barrel can collect water. Overflow water will spill from the black vent on the top and the overflow hole on the side near the top.

• Regularly check your gutters, downspouts, rain barrel water intake screen, rain barrel mosquito screen and rain barrel spigot for leaks, obstructions or debris.

• Keep your collapsible rain barrel lid sealed.

• Drain your collapsible rain barrel water tank before temperatures drop below freezing.

• In the winter, keep your flexible rain barrel tank spigot open so that water does not accumulate in the rain barrel and freeze. You can also turn it upside-down or bring it inside to ensure no water accumulates in the barrel. Preventing Mosquitoes Your rain barrel should be equipped with a mosquito-proof screen under the lid and inside the overflow hole to keep mosquitoes and other insects out.

• Place your rain barrel on a pervious (landscaped) surface, so that overflow water soaks into the ground instead of pooling on paved surfaces.

• Keep your rain barrel lid sealed.

• Keep your barrel free of organic material.

• During the rainy season, every 3-4 days use your hand to splash off any water that may collect on the top of the barrel. Mosquitoes need at least 4 days of standing water to develop as larva.

• If you believe mosquitoes are breeding in your rain barrel, empty your barrel completely. This will kill all mosquito larvae that may be in your barrel. If your mosquito netting is intact and there are no leaks where mosquitoes can enter the barrel, your rain barrel should be mosquito-free.



• Adjust your downspout so it is slightly above the barrel’s mesh screen. We recommend using an elbow and rest the downspout on the mesh. The downspout does not fit into the barrel or have a specific place on the barrel. Adjust it as you wish.

• For increased water pressure, elevate your barrel on a stand or bricks.

• Make sure that all hoses extending from the barrel are directed away from your foundation.

Quick links of hot selling Rain barrels HT1115 manufactured by China Huntop. Wide range of capacity selections: from 100L to 1500L.


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